
Katrina Stuart Santiago's article is blind to its own stereotype

My take on Katrina Stuart Santiago's article on @GMANews regarding Claudine's NAIA 3 scuffle:

Katrina Stuart Santiago: It’s in this sense that Claudine’s anger, her taray, is to me refreshing.

It's refreshing because the author thinks women do not normally do this. Or she thinks people think women dont do this, shouldnt do this. Since Claudine is a popular media personality, let us mention other popular media personalities whose taray the author could find refreshing:

Anabelle Rama,

Lolit Solis,

Amalia Fuentes.

It's not about age, right? It's about their femaleness.

Or if you want to go younger, here's Cristine Reyes.

KSS: Granted that she was scolding employees who also had no control over the situation, granted that lashing out would not mean getting their bags back any faster, much might be said about releasing frustration in the face of inefficiency. Yes, these are unfortunate employees faced with such anger, but that is not so much Claudine’s fault, as it is the company’s which knows only too well that those in the lower rungs are the ones who will suffer. We might call Claudine out on verbal abuse, but then again what are the limits to complaining about bad service? No cuss words? No threatening that employees will lose their jobs? No screaming? How to measure anger?

How to measure anger? Anger does not get violent. Rage does.

Claudine has every right to be angry at inefficient service. But to be verbally abusive? Why should that be okay?

Why is the author asking about the limits of getting angry? Why is she even contemplating about using cuss words? Threatening to get employees fired? Does she think there should be no limits just because it is a woman getting `angry?'

By her line of argument, the below kind of anger is possible.

But wait, she says she draws the line on physical abuse.

KSS: Was she wrong for being that angry? That’s a judgment of one anger over another. I draw the line at physical abuse.

Because she doesnt consider verbally / mentally / psychological demeaning remarks as abuse. That's a form of myopia no medical doctor could resolve.

KSS: That Claudine was this angry – and again we don’t know exactly how angry – despite being a celebrity tells me that she was ready to face the consequences of her actions.

Ermmm..or that she has poor self-restraint much?

KSS: As I will draw the line at calling her ill-bred, which is what’s on the interwebs, as if we do not know of the class biases of such a judgment. And how can we not be in crisis by the fact that if we are using notions of breeding for this story at all, then we should be pointing the finger at Tulfo. He who saw the situation and decided that documenting it was in order. He who could’ve decided otherwise and just gone on with his life, let the story happen as it would on these shores, via tsismis and blind items, may be a small story in the showbiz section that would prompt Claudine and Raymart to maybe make a short public statement about the incident.

I will draw the line and halt with any what-ifs and not control the NAIA 3 situation in my head.

KSS: ..why couldn’t this woman be as angry as a man, be as aggressive as the other men in this video are? Why do we demand differently of a person as aggrieved if not even more so? And then we judge her as ill-bred and tactless, as basagulera and nakakahiya, because she dared kick ass.....And yes, this is about women going against other women because many of us think like our men; that is a tragedy in itself.

Wait a minute. Why single out Claudine's aggressiveness and violence? In the first place, why are the men's aggressiveness and violence deemed okay enough that it is okay for women to be equally so? Because they're men? Who said aggressiveness and violence is okay for men or for women? Ergo, if men can sleep around, why can't women? Who thinks it is okay to sleep around anyway? Just because men are doing it does not make that shit right.

Katrina Stuart Santiago might not notice it but she is thinking like a dude too.

KSS: Which reminds us all that we can’t handle a woman doing exactly that, as we fall back on stereotypes to describe her. We will be blind to the fact that at the core of hitting Claudine with words that hurt is a demand on the woman to be the good ol’ stereotype of soft spoken and mahinhin.

Ermmm....why is the author generalizing women as mahinhin and soft-spoken? That was how Star Magic packaged Claudine Barretto's career. That is not how today's hot item Marian RIvera is packaging hers.

KSS: We want the woman who waits for the man to defend her, yes? And in which case the ones who get angry enough to shout, those who know to fight back, we prove that we cannot handle those women.

No, we can. Maybe the author can't.

I personally cant equate anger with violence. But rage and violence go together like peanut and butter.

KSS: That this means being unable to appreciate it when a woman shows us we can be bigger than the Maria Clara stereotype we’ve been stuck with all this time goes without saying. That we fail to appreciate Claudine kicking ass the way she has? That is our bigger tragedy. - GMA News

The tragedy is that women think acting like a dude means empowerment. It does not. It simply means women are acting like dudes


Being abusive is okay as long as its women doing it to men.

And I dont know of anyone who is solely pointing the finger at Claudine but clearly, Katrina Stuart Santiago's article is.


CheezMiss' Theories on the NAIA 3 (Raymart1 - Claudine2 - Mon Tulfo3) Incident

Before the YouTube video came out, GMA News reported about the incident and interviewed the two parties involved: Raymart and Claudine and Mon Tulfo.

Did you find it weird that Mon Tulfo was the one who had the bruised eye but he was more relaxed and calm during the interview compared to the clearly agitated Raymart Santiago and perennially rage-filled Claudine Barretto?

What is Mon Tulfo being so Zen about as he was describing how the fight started?

See how Mon Tulfo is more emphatic in his interview with Noli de Castro and Mel Tiangco.

An earlier report also said that Mon Tulfo claimed that he won't press charges against Raymart, Claudine & Co. unless they press charges against him first.

If he was the aggrieved party, why wouldn't he want to press charges first? Doesnt he feel aggrieved being beaten, choked, smacked, punched black and blue?

Something's off.

Did you find it weird that Claudine has a pattern of going batshit crazy towards front desk personnel - be it at a bank, airport or Angel Locsin? -

See how her nostrils flare as she blames the bank about her "missing" P5 million pesos from her joint bank account with her husband. See how she puts her rage on the teller but did not even think of asking her husband? (0:19)


Isnt it just as weird that her husband focused his attention on someone RECORDING his wife's rage and not notifying his wife that she is being recorded or that she lower her voice - at least for the camera?

Or is it because it is easier to blame someone than to manage his wife's rage?

In fairness, Raymart couldnt even get a word in to Claudine in this old interview of them. (4:27-4:37)


And why is Mon Tulfo admitting to kicking Claudine out of "instinct" because she was allegedly punching him

but took that statement back at his live interview at GMA News' 24 Oras last night (May 7, 2012)?

INCONSISTENCY is a RED FLAG. How difficult is it to remember kicking or not kicking someone?

I believe Raymart when he said Mon Tulfo "punched" him with an "open-fist." But that open-fisted punch is more of an ARYUKEN though. Mon Tulfo "ARYUKEND" Raymart. (ARYUKEN a-la Street Fighter).

I also believe Mon Tulfo when he said Raymart tried to grab his cellphone - which Raymart demanded that Mon Tulfo give at (0:57-59).

I also believe Claudine when she said Mon Tulfo kicked her. Mon Tulfo even admitted to doing it, DUH.

I also believe Raymart when he said he is afraid of Mon Tulfo and his brothers (0:56)

but I also believe he has long been afraid of Claudine and her rage.

I also believe the bag with the asthmatic meds is a red herring. It was not the reason for Claudine's rage. Claudine is naturally rage-filled. It is her default emotion. It is so natural I think that Raymart found nothing wrong with Claudine allegedly dressing down Cebu Pacific staff. What Raymart felt was WRONG was the way a media person was RECORDING his wife's rage (which everyone has already seen when Claudine INVITED GMA 7 to record her rage at a bank).

Ironically, what was recorded was a 4-way (Not 7 as Mon Tulfo claimed) rumble with tons of extras.

Mon Tulfo probably felt 7 punches land on his face but they only came from 2 people and one of them was Claudine. Booyah!

Also, in Raymart's interview with DZMM and Boots Anson Roa, Raymart admitted that it was not their bag which has the medicines for kids, it was their friend's. And in Claudine's first interview with GMA News' Aubrey Carambel, she DID NOT mention anything about medicines inside the loaded off bag but the FACT that they were made to wait for their bags to come out of the conveyor only to learn later it wasnt included in the plane. She was stressing the TIME wasted not the kids' asthmatic meds.

Also, its so sad how Claudine uses her kids to gain sympathy in front of the camera.

I also believe Mon Tulfo, just like his brothers, are experts in provoking someone's ire. Have you seen BITAG?! Duh!

I also believe that Raymart, Claudine and 60+ year-old martial arts expert Mon Tulfo should have fought in the grade school quadrangle and not the airport.

I also believe that I have seen 8-year old kids act more maturely than all of them did.

In fairness, I understand Raymart when he reiterated to Kabayan Noli re: Mon Tulfo

"Sya po nauna eh."

I said the exact same thing when I was fighting with someone, I was 6 years old.

I also believe the guards were batshit scared of Mon Tulfo, Claudine and Raymart and that they were acting not as guards but as open-mouthed spectators who are confused as much as they were deathly afraid to hurt an ex-action star, an ex-actress and a six-foot media bully.

I also believe NAIA guards need more firm holsters to place their guns in.

I also believe the truth will set everyone free, but first it will make you batshit angry.


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