
The top 3 problems of having beliefs

The problem with beliefs and having them are many.

For the meantime, let's stick to the basic and simple ones. Let's also illustrate these via an actual case we've all just recently heard and seen.

1  Beliefs lead to denials

It doesn't matter if you have a false belief (e.g. Jesus was born on Dec 25)  or a true belief (e.g. Jesus was born on Dec 25).

Both are simply beliefs our culture and our religion made us think is true.

 So if you have a belief that having a fairytale wedding will lead to a happily ever after married life - yet you see, hear and sense data / information that doesn't support this, what would you do?

If you are like most of us, the `normal' thing you might do is to deny that data/information you saw / heard / sensed and stick to what you BELIEVE because

---  that is what you want

--- and your beliefs work with everything you want to see about yourself; it also fits in conjunction with your entire system including your thought process.

--- it is easier to dismiss any data or information that doesn't jell with  your self-defined life program / dogma.

So if you hear news that that fiancee of yours is marrying you because he only wants your money, what do you do?

You would do what Aiai and the rest of us who WANTS TO BELIEVE in something WE WANT TO THINK IS TRUE -- that is: DENY TO DEATH THE TRUTH.

AIAI:  "Sa rest ng pagsasama namin........Tinago ko lahat ng pangit......
Gusto kong mabuhay..parang fairy tale...Yun yung gusto kong mangyari....
Yun ang gusto kong isipin.

Yun ang gusto kong mangyari sa `ming dalawa."

Yun lang naman gusto ko..yung magkaron ng kasama sa buhay...nahihiya ako aminin na hindi naman ganun talaga yung nangyari sa `min."

2   Beliefs keep us from moving forward

Having beliefs keeps us stuck in our set ways of thinking. It is a self-imposed chain, a straitjacket we happily wear to keep us from expanding our view of ourselves and the world.

These beliefs are able to work non-stop thanks to them being fueled by FEAR.

Fear and belief go hand in hand.

You have beliefs because there is something you do not want to face or acknowledge. You are using your belief as an armor.

Belief is a futile armor because it easily dissolves when truth hits it. Then you have to have another belief to protect yourself further, and another belief - and when that too dissolves, you have no choice when  life/truth/nature hits you right in the gut.  The one thing you're avoiding to see and feel is what you will eventually and ultimately feel. Better face it now as you will eventually face it later on. You're simply delaying the inevitable. But if that is what you feel like doing now, you're free to do so too.

"Pino-proteksyonan ko si _____ Ayokong makita ng mga anak ko na nasasaktan ako...

From the very beginning ramdam ko naman yun..pero natatakot ako sa totoo...at pag nalaman ko ang totoo sobrang sakit."

3  Beliefs causes us to lie to ourselves

If you are so damn committed to your beliefs, you start to think these as absolute truths when all they actually are are lies you hold onto because you are invested in fulfilling a tremendous need which that belief seems to fill.

So when you have a tremendous almost desperate need to believe that that person who smiled at you has a crush on you and that he is the one!!! -- you start to believe that he is sans any proof that you see otherwise.

"Dream ko magkaron ng asawa..Akala ko sya yung bigay sakin...

Sorry talaga....Sarili ko niloko ko. Pinapaniwala ko na masaya ako.


Did Aiai love her ex husband?

If you see her responses above, notice that she LOVES more her dreams, illusions, wishes, BELIEFS and the image she wants to see herself in or the fairytale picture she wants to see herself in more  than the person she was with.

To solve these problems, you simply have to do the following so you will not be easily swayed by your own illusions.

These solutions are given to us by physicist Tom Campbell:

1   Be openly skeptical.

If you are always skeptical, you will not be open to any new information that could be helpful.

If you are always open, you will take in everything and believe anything.

Be openly skeptical. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Do not be afraid to challenge your own ideas, your own thought process. Do not be afraid to ask yourself questions. It is a very efficient way to filter out the noise and listen to your own voice.

2  Trust not others or authorities but your own experience.

No matter what anyone says or does, it is not your truth if it is not your experience.

Your experience is the most valuable data you have. It is where the truth is.

Belief is pseudo-knowledge.  Truth is knowledge.

Do you believe that the sun will rise tomorrow? Or do you KNOW that the sun will rise tomorrow?

Based on your experience for the past number of years you've been living on this planet - and as based on your own research which states that for the past centuries - the sun has risen and set for more than a thousand years, you therefore KNOW that the sun will rise tomorrow.

3  Face your fears. Acknowledge your beliefs.

"Belief and fear are the only ties that can bind a mind, while unconditional love and open minded skepticism set it free. A body may be enslaved by others, while a mind can only be enslaved by itself."
Tom Campbell, My BIG TOE p. 189.


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