
This is not you. This is you looking at you through someone else's eyes

This is not you.

You know your value does not lie on what someone else sees.

But you think it is.

You have learned to love seeing yourself like this.

You have learned to love the seeming feeling and sensation of being appreciated.

It fills and almost completes you.

But not fully.

Somehow, there is that something that leaves you still wanting for more.

So you go for more.

Ask for more.

Look for more.

Attach to more.

Until you fail to see

the fact that YOU are looking at YOU through someone else's eyes.

You are touching YOU not with your hand but with the image of someone touching you.

You are feeling you with the image of someone feeling you.

Your sensations and feelings are filtered from the eyes of someone other than you.

You are seeing the idealized version of you -

the version most want to see / prefer to see because it is easy.

Their image of you is culled from their imagination, not yours.

They think of you as what they think you ought to look and be.

It is an uneducated guess

but with already drawn-out conclusions that does not include your input.

They don't need your input.

They only want to see what they want to see.

What they think they should see.

They do not care what you think.

They only care that you think like them, see like them, feel like them - these make it easier for them to

make you think you want the same thing they do.

Do you?

Nothing will happen to you if you say No.

If you keep on believing what they tell you, nothing might happen to your life too.

But you can tell yourself that it is possible to bring your SELF back to you.

Minus the push and pull of your emotional clutter, you know it can be done.

You can bring yourself back to pleasing YOU.

Do find out

from whose eyes are you looking yourself at?

You do not need to think to be able to respond.

Just feel.




Not through how you think someone else does.

But How YOU feel when YOU see YOU.

When YOU touch YOU.

When YOU see YOU.

When YOU hear YOU.

Then tell yourself, whisper to yourself what YOU have seen, felt, heard.

And maybe, in a glimmer of understanding, you will also understand why Megan Fox was fired from Transformers:

she expressed sincerely the tediousness of seeing herself from the eyes of 16-year old teens conditioned by Michael Bay - with the blessing of Steven Spielberg - to be narcissistic voyeurs.

She is no longer connected in any way, manner or form with the Transformers franchise because she stated the obvious.

Good for her.


Why Christianity is anti-RH Bill - (UPDATED)

The Reproductive Health bills, popularly known as the RH bill, are Philippine bills aiming to guarantee universal access to methods and information on birth control and maternal care.

"I am not paying special attention to Christianity, but it deserves it...It has been exploiting the poverty of people to convert them to Christianity. Yes, Buddhism has converted people, but not because people were hungry and you provided them food, and because you provided them food they started feeling obliged to you...

And those people are so obliged that they feel certainly no other religion has been of any help to them, and they become Christians. This is not an honest way, this is bribing people. This is not conversion, this is buying people because they are poor...

...Everywhere around the world, Christians have approached the lowest stratum. And the poor have ben there always; but to exploit their poverty to INCREASE THE POPULATION OF YOUR RELIGION is sheer politics - ugly, mean. Politics is a game of numbers. How many Christians you have in the world - that is your power. The more Christians there are, the more power is in the hands of Christian priesthood. NOBODY IS INTERESTED IN SAVING ANYBODY BUT JUST IN INCREASING THE POPULATION.

...Do you think they are interested in the unborn children? They are not interested, they have nothing to do with those unborn children...The whole interest is in bringing many more children into the world, many more orphans into the world. Make it so overcrowded, so poor, that Christianity can become the universal religion...This ambition is inhuman; and if I have been criticizing Christianity, it is not without reason."

"An Ancient Chinese story goes:

A man fell into a well. It was getting dark and his eyesight was not good, he was almost blind. The man starts shouting "Save me!"

Who is going to hear him?

A Buddhist monk passes by and hears the man. He looks down the well.

The man says, "It's good you heard me, I was afraid I was going to die."

The Buddhist monk says, "You're still going to die because this is happening due to some past life's evil act. Now you are getting punishment so accept it and be finished. It is good; in the next life you will start out clean and there will be no need to fall again in a well."

The man said, "I dont want any wisdom or philosophy at this moment.." But the monk had moved on.

Then, a Taoist comes by. He goes to the well to drink. The man cries for help.

The Taoist said, "This is not manly. One should accept everything as it comes - thats what Lao Tzu said. So accept it! Enjoy! You are crying like a woman. Be a man!"

The man said, "I am ready to be called a woman, but please save me first. You can say anything you want afterwards, first pull me out."

But the Taoist said, "We never interfere in anyone's business. We believe in the individual and his freedom. It is your freedom to fall in the well,, it is your freedom to die in the well. All I can do is make a suggestion: You can die crying, weeping - that is foolish - or you can die like a wise man. Accept it, enjoy it, sing a song, go. Anyway, everyone is going to die so what's the point of saving you."

A Confucian monk passed by the side of the well and he heard the noise of the man asking for help. The Confucian monk said to him, "Don't be worried. Our master, Confucius, has written in his books that every water well should have walls, and I am going to protest and force the government to create a protective wall around every well in the country. Don't be afraid."

The poor man said, "By the time you create the great uproar in the whole country and all the wells start having protecting walls, I will be dead. Just think of me first!"

"You are being selfish. You just want to be saved and waste my time which I can use for the whole of humanity" said the Confucian and promptly left.

The next man who came by is a Christian missionary. He was carrying with him a bag. When he heard the man's cries, he immediately opens his bag, takes out a rope, throws the rope down into the well."

The man is surprised, "Your religion seems to be the truest religion."

The Christian man says, "Of course, we are prepared for any emergency. Knowing that people fall into wells, I am carrying this rope to save them - because only by saving them can I save myself."

The man finally comes up and out of the well and says, "A Confucian who passed by says he will campaign to have protective walls around wells."

The Christian missionary says, "You shouldn't make protective walls around the wells; otherwise how will we serve humanity? How will we pull out people who fall in? They have to fall first, only then can we pull them out. We exist to serve but the opportunity must be there. Without the opportunity, how can we serve?"

All these religions talking about "service" are certainly interested that humanity remains poor, that people remain in need of service, that there are orphans, widows, old people nobody takes care of, beggars. These people are needed, absolutely needed. Otherwise, what will happen to all these religions and their teachings, and how will people earn the right to enter into the Kingdom of God?

These poor and suffering people have to be used as a ladder. Do you call it unselfishness? is this missionary unselfish? He is saving this man, not for this man's sake; he is saving this man for his own sake. Deep down, it is still selfishness, but now it is covered with beautiful words: unselfishness, service.

But why is there any need for service? Why should there be any need? Can't we destroy these opportunities for service? We can, but the religions will be very angry. Their whole ground will be lost if there is nobody poor, nobody hungry, nobody suffering, nobody sick. This is their whole business.

Service is a dirty word...Yes you can share but never humiliate people by serving them. It is a form of humiliation. When you serve somebody and you feel great, you have reduced the other to a worm, subhuman. You are so superior that you have sacrificed your own interests and you are "serving the poor" - you are simply humiliating them.

If you have something that gives you joy, peace, ecstasy, share it...When you share there is no motive...By sharing you will be tremendously fulfilled. In the very sharing is the fulfillment, there is no goal beyond it. It is not end-oriented. It is an end unto itself. You will feel obliged to the person who was ready to share with you. You will not feel that the person is obliged to you - you have not "served."

from Osho's The Book of Understanding


Imagine if this face was touched by a Cosmetic Surgeon

If this girl believed for one moment that her nose was not pointed enough, that her lips are too thick and that her skin is not fair enough and so allowed


Calayan or

Ellen Lising to manipulate her face, bleach her skin, thin her lips as according to their standards,

would Ford Supermodel of the World 2011 embrace Danica Flores Magpantay?

Who knows? But Danica Flores Magpantay acknowledged, accepted and embraced her self and that is more than enough.


Moral Lessons na Tinuro sa`tin ng Mara Clara tungkol sa buhay, pag-ibig at panonood ng TV

Moral Lesson #1:

True Love means not having to say:

Kelangan kita.
I want to always be with you;
I can't live without you;
I want to have you;
Sakin ka lang.

Ang love-love-an nagdo-domina.

Si Gary, sinasabing mahal niya si Alvira pero ang intensyon niya talaga i-exploit, abusuhin, gamitin, dominahin siya.

Para kay Gary ganun ang pagkakaintindi niya sa love, wala ng iba. Ang love sa kanya laging may kapalit. Sa tingin nya, tama sya. Yung iba, mali. Yung sumasalungat sa sa kanya nagiging kalaban at kaaway na kelangang iligpit.

Bibigay niya kay Alvira ang lahat: pera, bahay, magandang buhay, pero feeling niya:
"Sakin ka lang kasi wala akong pakielam kung masaya ka, ang importante, ako ang masaya."

Ganun din sya kay Clara, ang pinain naman niya sa anak nya: pera at pagkakaroon ng buong pamilya na kasama si Alvira.

Pero just the same, di niya talaga mahal anak niya. Di niya kayang mag-mahal ng kahit sino.

Ang tingin niya sa lahat ng tao ay mga bagay lang na pwedeng i-manipula para magawa at gawin ang gusto niya. Kaya siya sadista.

At ang mga tao - para sa kanya - mapagkukunan lang ng supply - salapi man eto, atensyon, pag-ibig, pag-hanga, sex, awa, etc.

Pag hindi ito nabigay sa kanya o kung hindi man nya nakuha mula sa taong tina-target niya, paparusahan niya eto, pahihirapan at kung ano-ano pa.

High-level narcissist siya mga ate, kuya. Kung titingnan niyo mga ginawa at sinabi ni Many Gary, swak yun sa psychological criteria ng taong may NPD.

O diba, PSYCH101 lesson pa ang Mara Clara, bongga!

Kaya ganun ang pakiramdam ni Clara nung sinabi niya: "Sinasabi ni tatay mahal nya ko, pero bat pakiramdam ko mag-isa pa rin ako." kasi eto ang klasik at textbook na nararamdaman ng kahit sinong gumagalaw at nasa ilalim ng galamay ng isang may NPD.

Moral Lesson #2:

Ang true Love hindi attached o obsessed.

Believe it or not, diluted version ni Mang Gary si Christian, Clara at Alvira.

Maski gaano ka-cute, adorable, nice-looking ang tao, nawa'y matandaan nating lahat na ipasa-walang bahala ang kanyang sinasabi, ang kanyang itsura, ang kanyang damit at pansinin lang ang kanyang ginagawa.

Si Christian, sadly, para ring si Mang Gary.

Kasi, look and see, abusive din siya kay Mara.

Noong hindi nagustuhan ni Christian ang reaksyon ni Mara nung nasa school pa sila at niligawan niya ito - kasi sabi ni Mara friends lang daw muna sila - di ba dinedma niya si Mara? Ni hindi niya nga kunyari maalala pangalan niya.

At maski alam niyang naiinis na si Mara sa ginagawa niya, tuloy pa rin siya.

Isa pa, nung kelangang umalis ni Mara sa Maynila at lumipat sa Isla Verde, hindi tumigil si Christian hanggang di niya eto nakikita maski alam niyang pwedeng mapahamak si Mara dahil sa pagpunta niya sa Isla. At ganun nga ang nangyari kasi sinundan siya ni Clara tapos sinundan naman ni Mang Gary si Clara. Pero maski magkakagulo na, di pa rin siya umalis at bumalik sa Maynila.

Wag nyong sabihin na love na love niya si Mara kaya niya nagawa yun kasi hindi yun love. Attachment yun at possessiveness pa.

Kung totoong love ni Christian si Mara, hindi siya matatakot mawala eto sa kanya o makahanap ng iba. Kasi alam niya na hindi naman niya pag-aari si Mara. At nabubuhay si Mara para sa ikabubuti ng buhay niya, hindi para sa kanya. At kung totoong love ni Christian si Mara, hahayaan niya si Mara at magtitiwala siya dito - hinde niya gugustuhing alamin lagi kung nasaan si Mara at di niya pipilitin na isipin siya lagi nito.

Kapag attached ang isang tao sa isang tao, ibig sabihin ginagamit niya lang eto para sa sa sarili niya, wala siyang pakielam sa kapakanan nung isa.

Ang true love may committment hinde attachment. Pag may committment, ang kapakanan ng ibang tao ang pinahahalagahan.

Si Clara - syempre - may shades din ni Mang Gary.

Mahal ni Clara si Alvira kasi mayaman siya. Pag nakadikit siya kay Alvira, kadikit na rin niya ang pera at imahe ng kasosyalan nito.

Attached si Clara kay Alvira tulad ng attached siya sa limpak limpak na pera na nakatago sa ilalim ng kama niya. Sa impluwensya ni Gary, supply din ang tingin niya kay Alvira at umaasa din siya na magkaroon ng buong pamilya (pero etong huli ginagawa niya for display purposes only).

Di rin nakatulong na ini-spoil at sinanay ni Alvira si Clara sa sosyal na lifestyle. Kasi si Alvira, attached din kay Clara. So in fairness, bagay nga silang mag-ina.

Nung huli, nang di makuha ni Clara yung dating "supply" (attention, etc.) na nakukuha niya kay Alvira, kinuha niya ito kay Mang Gary. May bonus pa kasi si Gary meron na ngayong "money."

Si Mang Gary, nung nakita nyang nahihirapan siyang kunan ng "supply" at atensyon si Alvira, kinuha niya ito kay Clara. Kaya di ba nung huling linggo na ng serye aalis dapat sila ni Mang Gary? You and Me Against the World ang kanilang story.

Yung may mga NPD kung magpalit ng tao, parang nagpapalit lang ng maruming damit. Kasi hinde nga tao tingin nila sa tao, gamit lang.

Moral Lesson #3:

Hindi ibig sabihin ng pag-ibig ay bigay ng bigay.

Pa`no ka magbibigay ng pag-ibig sa iba kung di mo alam kung paano bigyan sarili mo?

Ang totoong pag-ibig alam kung paano mahalin ang sarili bago magmahal ng iba.
Pag alam na niya mahalin ang sarili niya, alam na niya kung paano dapat tratuhin ang iba.

Si Susan, si Aling Lupe, si Mara - lalo na nung umpisa - bigay ng bigay sa kung anuman ang gustuhin ni Mang Gary - para tumahimik na lang ba?

Pero tuwing ginagawa nila ito, binibigay nila kay Gary ang power para kontrolin sila, abusuhin sila, gamitin sila.

Yan tuloy, ginawa nga ni Gary yung di nila gusto.

Kasi ugali naman nina Susan at Mara swak sa characteristics ng classic codependent.

O yung mga nag-Psychiatric Nursing jan, what can you say? Isn't Mara Clara, so bongga ka dey?!

Buti si Mara nagbago nung huli. Lumaban na siya. Sadly, dala pa rin niya yung pagiging codependent ba?

Halimbawa, pinakulong niya nga si Gary pero nagpabugbog naman siya, may matching magmakaawa at paluhod-luhod pa.

Moral Lesson #4:

Ang life parang buhay at batang pasaway.

Uulit siya ng uulit hanggang di natin sya nage-gets.

Papakita niya sa iyo ang dapat mong makita maski ayaw mong tingnan o aminin na nandyan. Pag hinarap mo na ang dapat mong harapin, doon lang siya mag be-behave, doon ka lang niya papakawalan at doon mo lang siya mabibitawan.

Yan ang sagot nung tinanong ni Mara kay Susan: "Baket laging ang daming problema nangyayari satin nay?"

Ano nga ba ang gustong sabihin ng buhay kina Mara at Susan?

Sabi ng life: Mahalin nyo selves nyo girls! I-appreciate nyo selves nyo girls! Walang gagawa nun, hinde si Mayor o kahit sinong Poncho Pilato.

Yan ang regalo sa kanila ng pagkakaroon ng Gary sa life nila. Tinuturuan silang mahalin sarili nila di ayon sa standards ng iba kundi sa standards nila.

Moral Lesson #5:

Ang magandang palabas sa local TV – na sure na susubaybayan – hindi gumagawa ng caricatures kundi character archetypes **"archetypes are embodiments of behavioural stances that humans have developed over millennia, or are established patterns in nature."

Si Susan at Mara as the Martyr

Clara as the Wounded Child

Gary as the Destroyer

Aling Lupe as the Mother

Moral Lesson #6:

Good entertainment allows characters to evolve & change.

Parang totoong buhay, nagbabago ang tao depende sa nararamdaman at nangyayari sa kanila sa bawat okasyon. Kudos sa Mara Clara dahil hindi one-dimensional ang mga tauhan. Di tulad ng ibang Heneral dyan.

Di ba si Aling Lupe noong umpisa hate si Mara & Susan pero nung huli naging love na nya silang dalawa?

Si Mara dati passive tapos naging fighter-fighter-an.

Si Clara naman tinubuan ng konsensya - nag-nervous breakdown lang sa huli dahil sa trauma - temporary shock mula sa pagkaka-dis-attach niya kay Mang Gary, saka i-witness ba naman niya itsugi ang kanyang daddy, e di mejo sya na lurky.

Moral Lesson #7:

Good local entertainment is culturally correct..

..hinde yung mga konsepto na kinuha, hiniram sa mga palabas ng ibang bansa na ginupit gupit lang at dinikit AT pinilit ikasya sa local Philippine TV.

Ang kwento ng Mara Clara kuha mula sa mga kwento ng kapitbahay natin, pamilya natin, kamag-anak, barangay, komunidad at balita sa radyo, dyaryo at TV.

Of course Mara Clara is not perfect but it is sensibly entertaining & true to the Filipino's perfectly flawed & evolving culture.

Kaya na-nominate sya sa Banff World Media Awards sa kategoryang Best Soap Operas and Telenovelas.

Wha did i tell ya?! Di lang pang-local, pang-International pa! Confeermed, Mara Clara is so Bongga talaga.


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