
What's up with high heels?

Besides the heels, what's up with high heels?

Maybe the leg muscles, maybe one's height too.

How grounded or ungrounded are you, literally and figuratively, if you're wearing high heels?

Are you grounded in your self, your thoughts, your feelings?

Or do you feel you're way up there and all the rest are down here?

Do you walk with the sense that you're unreachable?

Do you relate with others in their own level or do you look at them from yours?

When you're wearing high heels, do you ask yourself why?

What are you willing to put up with to give the temporary illusion of your 'highness'?

Are you wearing high heels for you? or is it for others to see you the way you want them to?

Who are you wearing high heels for?

Are you doing this for you?

If so, why? Do you need heels to feel better about yourself?

If not, why not do this for you? That's the least you could do for you.

But absent of other people's thoughts and opinions, do you really care if you wear high heels or not?

Just ask yourself.

Then ask, why do you care (or not) for other people's opinions.

Should you? Should you not?

Does it even matter?

The ground is your friend, you need not work against it. But if you do, it would also be for your interest to understand why.


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