
Ramona Bautista's audition tape for PBB

Yell 5-4-3-2-1......ACTION! at 0:32.

If a murder did not happen, you'd think she's telling the plot of an action movie.

I can't help but think that this is her audition tape for Pinoy Big Brother.

Is that why the related videos shown by YouTube are also PBB-related?

Why does she pause at 1:04? when telling the story of how a man is standing at the door of his brother's room?

What is she trying to remember "correctly?"

When she says, "Hindi ko iniwang bukas yung pinto. Hindi po ako nagbukas." this is probably true

"Hindi ko trabahong i lock ung pinto dahil hindi ko naman alam yun e."

"Si Janelle po ang katabi ng pinto. Dapat sya po ang maglock."

It is as if she is cleansing herself from sin and that it was whoever opened the door who was at fault for the murder because the one who opened the door welcomed the perpetrator.

"..andun yung lalake sa pintuan nagulat po ako."

No she was not startled because her voice does not say so, it seems she has been expecting the man-by-the-door to appear.
Also, that sentence is awkward.

"..andun yung lalake sa pintuan nagulat po ako."

That statement shows she is trying to remember something from the memory of what she saw and not from what she felt when she saw it - if indeed she was authentically startled. If she really was "nagulat," won't she or anyone naturally / normally say:

"..nagulat ako...may lalake sa pintuan."

Why did she say

"..andun YUNG lalake.."?

What's the difference when you refer to someone as "Yung lalake.." (doesn't this suggest familiarity?)

compared to "May lalake.."?

Why do I have the feeling that empathy does not run in the Revilla family.

To be fair, Ramona Bautista is so lucky to not have been hurt by the perpetrator. She really should thank his brother for "saving her life."

It is also fair to say that she probably did not drink the appropriate amount of milk when she was growing up because of the evident memory gaps in her statement as published by Pep.ph on November 4.

Her body language in the news video below contradicts Ramona's own statement in the same video where she says "Her conscience is clear."

Why is she covering her face with her hair and why can't she keep her head up? What is she ashamed of? She says she's ashamed she left her brother and his gf dead. She also cried in an interview when she said she heard the news that Janelle was still alive.

She cried when she heard the news that Janelle was still alive?

Did she cry because she knows that she now has to make her statements consistent with the survivor?

Also, it is not just me who thinks and hears Ramona's voice is devoid of sadness when relating the story of his brother's murder.

Maybe crying on cue with no tears also run in their immediate family - like Mother like Daughter.


Roger on November 10, 2011 at 10:55 PM said...

aba, pwede ka nang sumaydline na criminal o kaya forensic psychologist mam, hehehe! ;)

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