..how "horrible" was the event you're grieving for that you need to tell yourself to remember it?
Not at all "logical."
And now, it's GMA 7's fault, not anymore Twitter.
Grief – authentic ones – take over you. It’s there. You do not need to tell yourself to “remember” the sadness and anger or remind your "Old Man" self of the pain and that it is – according to you – “horrible” - if indeed the horrible-ness affected you.
You only tell yourself to remember a heart-wrenhcing event and have the gall to refer to it as a “souvenir” when you’ve kept the memory of it in your head not your heart. Your head may knows the facts, the details of where you were, where you've been, what you did, what you will do. But the head can only memorize and not assimilate the experience.
Do you remind yourself of these details because you cannot feel it and making an audio-visual note of it is the least you can do?
Why do you need to have yourself remember "this hardest thing" you're going through when it is easier to NOT forget them?
Reportedly, a father who had no choice in the decision to have his child aborted
"have reported having persistant day and night dreams about the child that never was, and considerable guilt, remorse and sadness. For men and women alike, the feeling of emptieness may last a lifetime."
Normally, your remorse, sadness and feelings of emptiness won't let you forget, if indeed these emotions were authentic.
How easily forgettable is that horrible day that you have to video record yourself crying in order to "...remember how difficult (that day) was?"
wait a minute, are YOU sure this VIDEO is for YOU?
or is it meant for someone who YOU want to NOT FORGET YOU?
The same words you want that someone to do when you tweeted "Please never forget" at the time you were in cold turkey from her supply/attention.
Is this your way of infiltrating her head and making a dent in her heart enough for her to still THINK of you? It is irrelevant whether she gets hurt, humiliated or emotionally maimed in the process, the objective is for her to either be glad or MAD enough to initiate contact with you (in any manner, type or form) - or at least THINK of YOU - specially if you know you could never get her hooked to you again (and this is your way to make her hooked enough to feel that you never left her).
If pressed and made to `fess up that you were suavely valuing and devaluing her, that you were destroying her life or that you were extracting revenge under the guise of - and using as a red herring your - pseudo-grief, blame GMA7.
But deep, not in your heart but, head - you know you're not really sorry, remorseful or in grief. You are in mourning but not for the reasons you claim. You're grieving because you're not the main character in her life anymore. You have nothing to make her still attached to you the same way you've gotten your previous girlfriends - as well as the mother of your child - still communicating with you in any manner, type or form.
You're left with no reason for her to come back to you or want you or even speak with you.
And you feel like hell.
You're wounded.
You're injured - narcissistically injured.
"The worst thing that could happen to a narcissist is that his wife cheats on him secretly and never tells him, and she doesn't act any differently towards him, so that he couldn't even tell. If she can do all that, that means she exists independently of him. He is not the main character in the movie. She has her own movie and he's not even in it. That's a narcissistic injury. That is the worst calamity that can befall the narcissist.
Any other kind of injury can produce different emotions; maybe sadness, or pain, or anger, or even apathy. But all narcissistic injuries lead to rage. The two aren't just linked; the two are the same. The reaction may look like sadness, but it isn't: it is rage, only rage.
With every narcissistic injury is a reflexive urge towards violence. I'll say it again in case the meaning was not clear: a reflexive urge towards violence. It could be homicide, or suicide, or fire, or breaking a table-- but it is immediate and inevitable. It may be mitigated, or controlled, but the impulse is there. The violence serves two necessary psychological functions: first, it's the natural byproduct of rage. Second, the violence perpetuates the link, the relationship, keeps him in the lead role. "That slut may have had a whole life outside me, but I will make her forever afraid of me." Or he kills himself-- not because he can't live without her, but because from now on she won't be able to live without thinking about him. See? Now it's a drama, but the movie goes on.
So if you cause a narcissist to have a narcissistic injury, get ready for a fight."
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