
What Whitney Houston's Songs tell us about being in pseudo-love and being in authentic love

What is pseudo-love?

Pseudo-love is ego-love.

It is you loving the self which the world sees,

it is you caring for the self which the world helped create,

it is appreciating the self from the standards of others, from the judgments and opinion of others,

it is you loving yourself through the eyes of others,

it is you finding your worth only by being deemed worthy by people/places/things/events outside you.

It is you looking at yourself from the eyes of others.

You know you're in pseudo-love when you're saving all your love for someone whom your friends believe is in love with someone else.

You know you do not love your self when you'd rather be home feeling blue when you have an option not to.

You know you're in pseudo-love when you feel the need to run to someone and feel safe in his or her arms, and if you don't, you literally feel like you're going to die.

You know you do not love your self when you feel unfulfilled, empty when there's no one caring for you, no one wiping away your tears or kissing away all your fears.

You're in pseudo-love when you expect someone to fill you up, to give you love - more love than you've ever seen.

You're in pseudo-love when you think he or she is all you've got in this world or that he or she is all the man or woman you'll ever need.

You do not love your self when you allow yourself to belong to someone.

You're in pseudo-love when you live to make him/her happy.

What is authentic love?

Authentic love is knowing your Self,

it is going inside your Self,

it is experiencing all the feelings your Self has gone through - not repressing them, not NOT acknowledging them, not dismissing them, not judging them. It is You just allowing your feelings to surface, you just allow them to be felt by you.

Ultimately, by doing so, you get to know You. The You that is safe, that is still. The You that knows that the You -

as you are - is more than enough.

The You that is left untouched by any pain, attachment, sadness, happiness, pride, etc.

The You that is just is.

The You that is still.

The You that is simply Love.

You're in authentic love when you know no one can take away your soul and dignity.

You're in authentic love when you know that the greatest love of all is inside you.

You're in authentic love when you know love will save the day,

You're in authentic love when you respect and honor your self,

when you feel like doing your hair for you,

when you call your friends and love being and enjoying their company,

when your heart decides to stop riding the emotional roller coaster

and when you feel strong enough to start moving mountains, swimming seas and climbing over walls.

You are secure in Love and in your Self when you realize you can only love someone authentically

when you learn to love your Self first - and you act on this fact.

"If you do not know your inner center, love will become an attachment.

If you know your inner center,

love will become devotion.

But you must first be there to love.

When you re rooted in your self, when you know who you are,

then you will not cling to anyone.

Only then can you love because sharing is possible and with no conditions, no expectations.

You simply share because you have an abundance. You have so much it is overflowing.

This overflowing of yourself is Love."



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