If you feel offended, you are. Period.
Do not rationalize, do not explain it away in your head. Do not make up excuses to make yourself feel better, albeit temporarily.
Stick with your NO.
There is a reason why you said NO, do not forget it. Do not say or think otherwise.
And if you say NO, do not allow others to sway you to change your mind.
Say NO now, not after.
No matter what others say, no matter what others think. Just say it.
If not, you'll end up getting angry at your self.
Do not give other people permission to change your mind.
Only you can do that.
If you feel something at that moment you do, feel it. Allow it.
Once you do, you will conserve energy by not making a rehearsed smile, from repressing a tear, from repressing anger.
A NO makes your boundaries stronger. It strengthens your self. It helps your body know you love yourself enough to protect it.
And if you feel offended, say so.
Acknowledge it to your self and to others.
Bring it out there.
Face it. Let others see it too.
It's being authentic. It is your soul's message to the world saying it deserves more and should not in any way settle for less.
Say it now, not later. When you do, you not only save yourself from hurt, you also help others from being hurtful. Both of you then share the space of being respectful. You lift each other up. But if he or she doesn't want to, let him/her stay where he/she is. The important thing is, you now know where you should be and where you belong and what you deserve.
Saying NO is empowering. Use it when you feel it. You won't be sorry you did.
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